Workers' Comp Boot Camp Bundled Package: ID# 1021657
Price: $1,495.00
About This Course:
Workers' Comp is more than just handling an employee's absence.
There are numerous laws and timelines governing what to do with regard to tracking, monitoring, and managing a workers' compensation claim. For instance, how do you handle - and investigate - claims, what you can ask and request with respect to medical certifications, deal with fraud, return-to-work issues, etc.
Our Workers' Comp Boot Camp covers these issues, and offers procedural recommendations and best practices to keep you in compliance. Essentially, the course content is either on online course or an On-Demand version of a recently-delivered webinar, with each format taught by one of our Workers' Comp experts.
What You'll Learn: These courses listed below are included in this suite. Click on a title to see more details about that title.
How Workers' Compensation Works Start with this program, which covers the basic concepts in workers' compensation, including how a state's statutory legal structure fits into the bigger picture by understanding insurance policy coverage, premium calculations, and coverage issues.Workers' Comp 101: The Whats, Whens, And Whys This session covers the basics of accommodations, restrictions, working with doctors, and dealing with your workers' comp insurer.How To Reduce Your Workers' Compensation Exposure Use this training session to learn proper claims handling procedures that will save you time, money, and aggravation.Tips For Tracking, Monitoring, And Managing Your Workers' Comp Claims Pick up successful strategies for tracking, monitoring, and managing your workers' comp claims with this training session that provides details on what needs managing, what relationships you need to develop, and what you need to do when a "high-risk" injury occurs.How To Identify And Eliminate Workers' Comp Misrepresentation Recent estimates state that fraudulent or exaggerated workers' compensation claims account for a whopping 25% of the total money spent on workers' compensation.Return-To-Work Strategies Studies show that employees more likely make a full recovery and continue working a long and productive work life if they return in the least amount of time, but returning to work often carries with it restrictions, disabilities, obligations, and frustrations (on both sides). Learn how to have an organized, simple, and documented assessment process to accommodate returning employees to work.Workers' Compensation Tips: 31 Practical Tips That Strengthen Your Workers' Comp Program - And Your Bottom Line Learn practical tips that you can use - starting immediately - that will help get your workers' comp claims, program, and costs under control!Note :
Each of training sessions listed can be purchased separately at a cost of $249 each, but ordering all as part of this bundle saves you over $1,000! Simply click on the applicable link to either learn more about or to order a specific course; otherwise click the "Order" button herein to order the complete bundle.
This Special Promotion Includes The Following Training
Included On-Demand Webinars
The Industry Calendar
The Industry Calendar
The Industry Calendar
The Industry Calendar
The Industry Calendar